Well it is a bit stalled here… and I am of course sorry that I do not understand it.
But I will try to clarify what I can,
Kmix has a small Icon in the right side of the bottom panel of my KDE
If I put the mouse pointer to it, I get the sound volume.
If I right click with the mouse, I get a menu/dialogbox where I can chose Mute, select master channel, mixer window.
If I there chose select master channel, I get this menu.
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there I can only point one place.
If I there chose mixer window, I get a small box showing that mixer channel, in.example pcm.
(PCM is marked now)
in there I can chose mixer, and I get this window
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Now there I can chose settings, configure channels, it does not seem I can do anything in there neither by right or left clicking any place.
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I can also chose settings, select master channel and get this menu
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In that I can chose one, but then unchose the previous…
I cannot add one (more)
Is that what I should do, chose one instead of the other, masterfront instead of PCM…? (I didn’t)
( And then i just restarted Opensuse, and it made a sound… but Amarok is mute, and i cannot click it un-mute)
(( Ok I was also opening and closing the windows, fiddling quite a bit whilst trying to snapshot it for this, - one time i I marked in masterfront, and when its mixer came up, it was not full up, so I moved it up, and contimued snapshotting… (maybe that was what you wanted me to do…? ) Anyway, my snapshotting stalled and i re-started and IT MADE A SOUND!!! Now i will have my dinner and tjek the various media, - checked two already, Amarok is mute, Mplayer is not.))