Some questions from gentoo-user.

Hi, I’d been using gentoo for 6 months, and now I moved to Opensuse. It looks pretty and stable.

  1. Every time I launch application from root, I need to enter root password. Google said I should use Seahorse for this issue, but I didn’t find how to disable entering root password.
  2. When I run sudo zypper up, I see this:
    sgasgar@opensuse-sgasgar:~> sudo zypper up
    Loading repository data…
    Reading installed packages…

The following package updates will NOT be installed:
gstreamer-0_10 gstreamer-0_10-plugin-gnomevfs gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad
gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good libgstapp-0_10-0
libgstbasecamerabinsrc-0_10-23 libgstbasevideo-0_10-23
libgstcodecparsers-0_10-23 libgstinterfaces-0_10-0 libgstphotography-0_10-23
libgstreamer-0_10-0 libgstsignalprocessor-0_10-23 libgstvdp-0_10-23
libmjpegutils-2_0-0 libquicktime0 libquvi7 libquvi-scripts libsox2 mjpegtools
python-distribute sox typelib-1_0-Gst-0_10 typelib-1_0-GstInterfaces-0_10

Nothing to do.

Is it normal?
3. How to update system using terminal? I need only to run zypper up?

Looks like you added some repos. Maybe the packages will not be installed because it needs a vendor change. In this case you should allow a vendor change which isn’t allowed with “zypper up”, only “zypper dup” does this. Best is to restrict the dist-upgrade to this repo:

zypper dup --from <alias|name|#|URI>

See: man zypper

For more verbose output from zypper you can try:

zypper -vv up
  1. That is normal and as it should be. Read: SDB:Login as root - openSUSE
    After all you only neeed root do do system management. How often in a week do you need to do system management on your system? (That is after you installed it and trimmed it to yopur needs in the firs tweek of usage or so).

  2. You are new here, thus the following: Please do post copied/pasted computer text between CODE text here in the forums. Use the # button in the toolbar of the post editor to get the CODE tags.

Try to understand the differences between zypper patch, zypper up and zypper dup. They are important and using the wrong one can hose your system. (You used a Linux system before, thus I guess I do not need to point you to man pages).
zypper patch is equivalent to YaST > Software > Online Update.
zypper up is equivalent to YaST > Software > Software management. Create a list of installed sosftware in the right pane. This can e.g. be done using from the View tab the Repositories view and there choose System at left (btw you can also do theis for a specific repo by choosing that repo at the left). Go to the right pane where the list is, right click and choose "Update if a newer version is available. This will mark for installation all packages that have a newer version in their repo(s) then the version installed on your system.
zypper dub is used to change packages to those from a different repo/vendor. Only used scarcely when e.g. going for multimedia in Packman, or going for aneer KDE then the one that comes with the openSUSE verion you use. Also used when upgrading to a next openSUSE version, but first read the docs about that action before trying.

  1. zypper.

And yes, it would be good when you post here the output of

zypper lr -d

zo that we can see what repos you have.

#  | Alias                     | Name                               | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                                         | Service
 1 | openSUSE-12.2-1.6         | openSUSE-12.2-1.6                  | Yes     | No      |   99     | yast2  | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-PIONEER_DVD-RW_DVR-212,/dev/sr0,/dev/sr1 |        
 2 | openSUSE:Tools            | openSUSE:Tools                     | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |    |        
 3 | packman                   | packman                            | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                                  |        
 4 | repo-debug                | openSUSE-12.2-Debug                | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |              |        
 5 | repo-debug-update         | openSUSE-12.2-Update-Debug         | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |                             |        
 6 | repo-debug-update-non-oss | openSUSE-12.2-Update-Debug-Non-Oss | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |                     |        
 7 | repo-non-oss              | openSUSE-12.2-Non-Oss              | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |                |        
 8 | repo-oss                  | openSUSE-12.2-Oss                  | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |                    |        
 9 | repo-source               | openSUSE-12.2-Source               | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |             |        
10 | repo-update               | openSUSE-12.2-Update               | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                                   |        
11 | repo-update-non-oss       | openSUSE-12.2-Update-Non-Oss       | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                           |        
12 | server:messaging          | server:messaging                   | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |  |        

Maybe I haven’t expressed my ideas correctly… I want not to enter password every time when I use gnomesu.

After I ran zypper dup and agreed with anything:

opensuse-sgasgar:/home/sgasgar # zypper up
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

The following package updates will NOT be installed:
  gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base 

Nothing to do.

gnomesu is only one of the methods to “become root” and as such fits into what is in the link I gave you (and which you now have studied).

Again, how often do you do gnomesu in a week?

And when you realy “do not want to enter the root password” then there is no use to have a system that derives it’s main security concept from the very existance of a Superuser. Try a Windows version instead.

As you do not show which exeact zypper dup you did, we can hardly say anything now.

Does zypper save logs? I haven’t saved output of zypper dup.

I am not noob, I have installed and used gentoo :slight_smile: Can you tell me, please, how to configure Seahorse for my purpose?

I can’t. Never used it (and do even not know what it hould do).

BTW, I asked you something. Problems giving the answer?

Can you next time please ask one question per thread? We now have this very mixed and confusing two discussions running through each other.

zerum suggested you to do

zypper dup --from <alias|name|#|URI> 

But you still had to specify something for <alias|name|#|URI>. We of course want to know what you exectly did. And you should have posted this. Now when you even do not remember what you did. ???


Please can you post the output of

zypper wp gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad

Today’s logs: 012-12-25 13:08:36|install|virtualbox|4.1.22-1.6.1|x86_64|root@opensuse-sgasgar| -

opensuse-sgasgar:/home/sgasgar # zypper wp gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name                       | Type    | Version       | Arch   | Repository       
v | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad | package | 0.10.23-15.10 | x86_64 | packman          
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad | package | 0.10.23-3.1.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-12.2-Oss
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad | package | 0.10.23-3.1.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-12.2-1.6
v | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad | package | 0.10.23-15.10 | i586   | packman          
v | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad | package | 0.10.23-3.1.2 | i586   | openSUSE-12.2-Oss

What is the question? Can you repeat?

From post #3:

How often in a week do you need to do system management on your system? (That is after you installed it and trimmed it to yopur needs in the firs tweek of usage or so).

From post #7:

Again, how often do you do gnomesu in a week?

Every day.

You should give at least packman repo a higher priority (lower number).

zypper mr -p40 packman

and than

zypper dup --from packman

Yes, you did not follow correctly the recipe for multimedia from Packman and now you have a strange mix. Follow @sgasgar’s advice.

And needing to become root about seven times a week s realy a bit much. That is for somebeody that has his/her system for real work. It is not so strange of course when your goal is trying out all sorts of system management things and seeing if you can hose it :wink:

Why do I have this problem? What I did wrong?