Some questions about the YaST2 Software Management

I have some questions about the YaST2 Software Management

  1. Why there is no “Install all matching -devel Packages”-option in the Extras Menu (Is there any workaround for this, I NEED all matching -devel packages installed, since I compile much from source :wink: and I hate it, when there are missing headers while executing the configure/cmake/whatever script …)

  2. I also want all matching *-32bit packages installed (workaround needed), and don’t forgot about *-devel-32bit (if any) | Please don’t ask why I want a complete 32-bit Environment too. I have my reasons :stuck_out_tongue:

NOTE: I know about the wildcard search in YaST, but you can only install all and not all matching (?)

EDIT (sry, 10 min. limit is over >:))

There are also some packages with this kind of layout lib(nameofpkg) but the devel package only is titled like this (nameofpkg)-devel
so I’m skeptic about the matching -devel install

You should let YaST make the call. Just click on “Install all matching devel packages” and let YaST should do the rest.

Please read …

It does exist on GNOME desktop or when you use GTK version of YaST .
You can use any one of the YaST versions on any desktop (GNOME,KDE,XFCE,LXDE,E17) provided you have the right libraries/ packages installed.
You should have probably mentioned the desktop you use
YaST exists with 3 interfaces ==> ncurses (terminal based interface),gtk,qt

File a bug report if you need the menu item

GTK version

QT version


thanks, i got it

kdesu /sbin/yast2 --gtk sw_single

in the GTK Interface i can install a matching -devel packages :slight_smile:
but why the QT one doesn’t have this ??? >:(

and sorry for the epic fail pic :shame:

EDIT: the gtk interface is heavily slow, with the qt interface everything is quick and fast, happens this only to me??

Glad you had your question answered

As i have said earlier you need to raise a bug/feature request . The menu may show up in 13.1. You can quote this thread for screenshots. Read the FAQ before submitting bugs/feature request.

No issues

If you are running it from KDE then gtk being a non native toolkit might perform slower than usual.

On 07/13/2013 10:06 PM, SoftHacker wrote:
> but why the QT one doesn’t have this ?

because they are different.

use the one you wish to use…and let the two remain
different–that way the people who want the other one can have what
they wish also.


On 2013-07-14 07:06, vazhavandan wrote:

> As i have said earlier you need to raise a bug/feature request . The
> menu may show up in 13.1. You can quote this thread for screenshots.
> Read the FAQ before submitting bugs/feature request.

openSUSE:Submitting bug

>> EDIT: the gtk interface is heavily slow, with the qt interface
>> everything is quick and fast, happens this only to me??

> If you are running it from KDE then gtk being a non native toolkit
> might perform slower than usual.


I use both interfaces and neither is faster or slower than the other. It
is possible, though, that “the other” might be slower on start because
the libraries of the other desktop have to be loaded, but once that’s
done, it should be equally fast.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

On 2013-07-14 07:22, dd wrote:
> On 07/13/2013 10:06 PM, SoftHacker wrote:
>> but why the QT one doesn’t have this ?
> because they are different.
> use the one you wish to use…and let the two remain different–that
> way the people who want the other one can have what they wish also.

Huh, no. It is a sore point for many that the interfaces are not only
different looking, which we accept, but also different in behaviour and
features. It is a maintenance pain, specially for remote support (like
us, we can consider ourselves the “free support 24 hour line”) because
we expect one interface and the user can not follow us because he uses
the other one.

No, both interfaces should be equivalent.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

On 07/14/2013 12:03 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> the user can not follow us because he uses
> the other one.

ok…i didn’t realize they are *that’ different…i’ll have to take
a look…

hmmmmmm, very different…so, i guess if i try to help a gnome user i
probably should launch the gtk version…hmmm, what about xfce and
lxde…and e16 (or whatever it is)??


On 2013-07-14 17:30, dd wrote:
> On 07/14/2013 12:03 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
>> the user can not follow us because he uses
>> the other one.
> ok…i didn’t realize they are *that’ different…i’ll have to take a
> look…

Only the package managers (the normal and the update package manager).
The rest of YaST is the same, only cosmetic differences.

The package managers are very different.

> hmmmmmm, very different…so, i guess if i try to help a gnome user i
> probably should launch the gtk version…hmmm, what about xfce and
> lxde…and e16 (or whatever it is)??

Well, it is not a gnome version, it is a “gtk” version. Thus a gtk based
desktop, like xfce, uses the gnome, no, the gtk flavour of yast.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)