Hi everyone, I’m facing some problems, maybe someone can help.
I installed opensuse 12.2 on a clean harddisk and I updated the “needed patches”.
I have no linux experience or whatsoever. At leased not before yesterday…
So I was testing some terminal commands (because everyone says that is the best way to do everything into). I’m still more a winGUI guy but maybe this will change…
Question 1a
a) I opened the terminal and gave myself root access with <su>
b) I made an new user with <useradd test> and gave it an password with <passwd test>, this worked fine.
c) I signed out to try the new user “test” and then a got an error: Cannot enter home directory using /. AND Call to inusertemp failed (temp directory full?). Check your installation. *.
Question 1b
I tried this first with <sudo useradd test>, gave the password, and got: “sudo: useradd: command not found”. I thought that sudo means that you execute one command with superuser acces? Apparently i was wrong?
Question 1c
After this I signed in with my normal account and went to the Yast2 – User and Group Administration and deleted the test account and create a new test account here. There was also not an home directory. Note that question came to turn off the auto logon. After testing this worked fine. Weird. Is GUI better?
Question 2
Is the GUI KDE heavier than Windows 7 pro? I mean graphicall? Because its a bit slow now and then (opening the startmenu, scrolling, showing the 2nd desktop ed.). I have a “Intel Q33 onboard with and a core2duo E8400 3GHz” but a had never problems with W7.
Question 3
I installed opensuse from an bootable usb-drive and after the installation (I disconnected the usb-drive) opensuse asked for the usb data. After researching I found out that in the repository was a link to the usbdrive… Is this normal?
Greetings from the Netherlands!
PS: this was my first post on the forum, if the questions are too stupid or something, please say so. I probably have some more questions in the future ^_^*