Some packages are listed as available from official repo, but they are not there

A search for “dvgrab” on indicates that the package is available for x86_64 (my architecture) from the official Tumbleweed OSS repo. However, this appears to be wrong. I already have that repo, and the package isn’t available there. I verified this by manually browsing the files at, where there is no dvgrab. Additionally, using 1-click install fails to install the package (likely because it’s not there?).

Is this an oversight, or am I doing something wrong?

Anyway, I can always build the package myself, but I’m confused as to whether it’s available officially or not.

Just wanted to update this post with some example links.

Searching for dvgrab in the openSUSE software repository yields this page. Expanding the “Tumbleweed” entry reveals the “official release.” Clicking on the links to directly download the RPMs or SRPMs results in 404 pages. So, the packages are missing from the repository for some reason. Does anyone know why?

Found, then installed ok but NOT in Tumbleweed


Yeah, I think all the packages but the Tumbleweed ones work. There’s obviously something wrong with the Tumbleweed repo, because not all packages are being built.