Some monitors will not wake up after sleep

So, I have three monitors hooked up, and I’m having a problem where two of the three monitors will not wake up after they have gone to sleep. It is always the same two monitors, and it only happens when they have been asleep for more than 5 minutes. Before that, they seem to wake up just fine.

Both monitors are hooked up via DisplayPort, while the one that works is hooked up via HDMI.

This was working fine yesterday, and then this started happening. It did not start after an update.

I’m currently using xmonad, so I thought maybe that was the issue, but it happens in i3, bspwm, and qtile as well. I haven’t tried a Wayland compositor yet or a DE, but I will today.

If I exit the session back to the display manager, the monitors all turn back on and everything is fine. Same thing happens if I exit to the TTY and then go back to the xsession, the screens just pop right back on.

This is the xrandr command I use for my monitors

xrandr --output DP-1 --off --output DP-2 --mode 2560x1440 --pos 1920x0 --rotate normal --output DP-3 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x884 --rotate normal --output HDMI-1 --mode 2560x1440 --pos 1920x1440 --rotate normal

There is nothing in xession-errors.

This is my most recent journalctl: (though I don’t think this contains the time period where the error occurred, I will try to grab it again right after this happens next).

(I’d paste it here, but for whatever reason the browser froze when I tried).

Any other logs I can attach as needed.

Thanks for any help you can send, this is annoying af.

Just some more info:

Using latest openSUSE TW release, fully updated. Monitors consist of two 1440p and one 1080p.

Also apologize if this is not the correct category for this to go in.

To get a better understanding of the problem, can you, when the problem happens power cycle the monitor(s) with the problem?