I just upgraded to Plasma 5,but I found no network manager applet like it was in 4,now I can only connect to network via ‘nmtui’ with terminal. So I search the applet in Yast and found this:
Uninstall plasma-nm-xxx (i.e. choose the first option), those are plugins for the KDE4 plasma-nm and prevent YaST from uninstalling that.
They won’t work with plasma-nm5 anyway.
The plasma-nm5-xxx packages are available as well though, install those instead if you want/need them, but they probably will be installed by default anyway.
Another thing is Font. The font will get back to default oxygen font & size,it just ignore my configuration to Droid Sans Fallback. Any solution?
Where do you configure it?
You have to use Plasma5’s “Systemsettings” (“systemsettings5” if you run it in a terminal), not KDE4’s “Configure Desktop”.
Thank you,I got it work. Since upgraded to Plasma 5,my ram usage getting higher,it was around 500MB with Firefox running,but now it running around 1.2GB,isn’t Plasma 5 aim for low resource consumption?
That said, there’s ongoing work to reduce the memory usage.
But then, those numbers are not really comprehensive anyway. And allocated but unused RAM will be swapped out anyway.
How do you actually calculate that usage?
A KDE4 session also uses 2GiB RAM here on a fresh login. At least that’s what top shows as used.
Unused RAM is wasted RAM.
As long as your system doesn’t swap all the time, it’s probably irrelevant.
Thank you for clear my mind,yes,unutilized ram is wasted ram. Found another problem in Plasma 5,I can’t add any application shortcut on panel,I can just drag any app to panel in 4,but in 5,even my widget is unlock,it won’t do.
But at the moment, it doesn’t work if you drop it to the desktop itself. That’s a known problem and reported as bug.
Just in case there’s some misunderstanding here…
If you drop it to the panel, it should work as mentioned though.
I have problem with plasma 5.3.1, connection editor and auto connect to wifi networks. After each reboot nm5 doesn’t connect automatically and I must remove network and add again. Also if I edit some network there is no settings: http://i60.tinypic.com/f3yo9.jpg
Why must you remove it?
Can’t you just connect manually by clicking on it in the system tray icon?
Try to configure it as “system connection”, i.e. enable “Allow other users to connect” in the settings. This can workaround certain kind of problems, as the connection is established during boot already and the password is saved in a system-wide place, not in the user’s kwallet.
Another suggestion would be to try with a fresh user account. This might be caused by some problem with your user’s kwallet.
Also if I edit some network there is no settings:
Maybe that’s a system connection, i.e. “Allow other users to connect” is enabled?
You should get a root password dialog in that case. As long as you don’t enter the password, no settings are displayed.
The password dialog might be displayed below other windows though, at least that was always a problem in KDE4. So check that.