Some doubts about IPv4 and IPv6

Hi again.

Less than a year ago I had a curious issue on openSUSE 12.1 wth seemingly IPv4 and IPv6, which was solved by using other’s DNS servers.

If IPv4 was really overused by now I’d expect having to do the same thing now on 12.2, but the fact is that so far I haven’t had connection problems… Once I managed to connect to internet Yast Software Manager and website browsing were working practically out of the box without having to do any changes.

I was just curious, did 12.2 include some changes respect of 12.1 regarding these issues? I’m almost sure my modem is the same and I haven’t changed its settings. I don’t know yet if dhclient.conf has something different (I’m out of home right now), but I think it’s probably blank…

On 11/08/2012 10:56 PM, F style wrote:
> I was just curious, did 12.2 include some changes respect of 12.1
> regarding these issues?

i’m not sure, but i think the biggest thing that changed were more and
more ISPs began complying with the new specifications…

well, i guess there were some small changes in
Linux/openSUSE/NetworkManager also…but, i think the biggest change
has been external…
