I have just installed OpenSUSE TW a few days ago and whenever I start some programs they take atleast 30 seconds to start. Firefox, thunar, and flameshot are the applications I’ve experienced this issue with. Alaritty, xterm, and emacs does not seem to have the same issue.
When you start “firefox”, it has a lot more code to load. And then it looks through cache, probably builds a cache directory, before it can get started. Simpler applications such as “xterm” don’t have to do that much work.
I haven’t timed “firefox” here, but it does take a while when first loaded. For me, the slowest is “virt-manager” which takes several minutes.
Firefox is the only application from the ones you are mentioning which I use as well and on one of my machines I sometimes (usually after a Tumbleweed update) see a similar delay on Firefox start up as you do.
Searching the internet for quite a while I found
zypper in -f gsettings-desktop-schemas
should help (some GTK3 problem?).
I tested it and it did indeed remove the startup delay.
I think the problem might have something to do with the display manager. If I try changing from “console” (where i started X11 with startx) to SDDM described in this guide, I get put straight into DWM and all applications seems to start with no delay.
Now how do I resolve this issue where the display manager does not start?