My problem was that a new or re-configuration of the shortcut for switching (keyboard) layouts (kcmshell5 kcm_keyboard > Tab: Layouts) correctly enabled the layout indicator in the plasma systray and the shortcut. However, after logout, both the indicator and shortcut didn’t work, although the KDE config still showed the same configuration as before the logout.
The problem got SOLVED by disabling the ibus-autostart:
cd /etc/xdg/autostart/
mv ibus-autostart.desktop ibus-autostart.desktop__disable
KDE comes with a plasmoid called Input Method Panel that can act as an IBus frontend and can possibly provide a better integrated experience. To launch IBus with Input Method Panel, use the --panel=/usr/lib/kimpanel-ibus-panel option with the ibus-daemon command above (if the panel doesn’t appear, you can try the --desktop=kde option instead). To configure the Input Method Panel widget, see the KDE UserBase Wiki and KDE#Widgets for details.
Yes, but, the IBus libraries are installed by default – which, for a KDE Plasma environment is sufficient.
On the other hand, Zoom may well be assuming a GNOME Desktop – therefore, the IBus GTK+ libraries will be needed.
You can possibly safely remove the “ibus-1.5.25” and “ibus-lang-1.5.25” packages which will then get rid of the IBus Auto-Start in the XDG Auto-Start directory.
You may have to black-list the “ibus” and “ibus-lang” packages to prevent any Zoom patches or updates re-installing them.