Solution: Auto mount vboxsf not working on /etc/rc.d/boot.local

I’m using Vbox 5.0.16 (Latest version) on W10.
I made a fresh install of openSUSE LEAP 42.1.

As we know, the suport additions is already installed on the distro, so there’s no need to install from the Vbox Virtual CD.

It’s all working fine, but I wasn’t able to automount the shared folder on the boot.
So, by the book, you have to add “mount -t vboxsf <vboxsharefolder> <folder on linux>” on the file /etc/rc.d/boot.local
But after I restarted the system, the shared folder wasn’t mounting. But it works fine, If I just do manually the “mount -t”.
I discovered that the “vboxsf” module wasn’t activating on the booting of the system.
To workaround that issue, you have just to make a file with *.conf on the folder /etc/modules-load.d/. On that file, just add vboxsf
As root.

cd /etc/modules-load.d/
vi vboxsf.conf
add "vboxsf" on the file (without the ")
save it.

Voi lá, now you can restart your system, and automatically the shared folder will be mounted with the instructions you put on /etc/rc.d/boot.local

I’m sorry if this is a known issue. If not, I hope this help the users.

Sorry about my bad english.

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