Solr - Your open file limit is currently 1024

If your only problem is this application - just set the limit before starting it.

ulimit -Sn 65000

You can create script or alias to do it automatically.

Besides, so far it is just a warning. Do you observe any actual issue with your application?

From systemd.exec

“ulimit -n: Don’t use. Be careful when raising the soft limit above 1024, since select(2) cannot function with file descriptors above 1023 on Linux. Nowadays, the hard limit defaults to 524288, a very high value compared to historical defaults. Typically applications should increase their soft limit to the hard limit on their own, if they are OK with working with file descriptors above 1023, i.e. do not use select(2). Note that file descriptors are nowadays accounted like any other form of memory, thus there should not be any need to lower the hard limit. Use MemoryMax= to control overall service memory use, including file descriptor memory.”

Besides, so far it is just a warning. Do you observe any actual issue with your application?

Not currently, as I haven’t loaded the data into Solr.

I have Solr running on windows with approx. 16 million street addresses, and that runs fine without any warnings.

I am trying to do the same setup on Linux and the first thing I noticed on starting Solr was these warnings.