SOGo - problem with calendar


anyone has problem with SOGo installed from openSUSE SOGo repository

I tried with both 32 bit and 64 bit version but in both cases I am not able to write anything in calendar. In sogod.log always appears:

May 27 22:43:06 sogod: SOGo watchdog [3109]: <0x0x9313058[GCSFolderType]> ERROR: did not find field extractor class!
May 27 22:43:06 sogod: SOGo watchdog [3109]: [ERROR] <0x08CB8D18[SOGoAppointmentObject]:C25-4BFED980-1-770F990.ics> write failed: <NSException: 0x94b8e80> NAME:GCSExtractFailed REASON:Quickfield extractor did not return a result! INFO:{GCSFolder = “<0x0x9135930[GCSFolder]: id=1 path=/Users/borislav.radic/Calendar/personal type=Appointment loc=mysql://sogo:sogo123@>”; }

any idea/suggestion?

Thank you in advance!
