Software Updates


I recently installed Tumbleweed 20151116 on a test box and when trying to install the updates via the update manager it tells me “Update Error: The license agreement failed. The license agreement was not accepted. You must accept the license agreement to install updates.”

Anyone know where to accept this license agreement?


Plasma5’s updater doesn’t support accepting license agreements at the moment. And PackageKit has a bug anyway that would make it just hang after you accepted it.

Use zypper to install the updates, that’s what you should use on Tumbleweed anyway.

Thanks wolfi323! And zypper up as **su **should be sufficient?


Although it might be a good idea to run zypper dup from time to time, zypper up might not always uninstall removed packages, and it might have problems in certain cases.
Depending on your repo list you might want to use the --no-allow-vendor-change though, to prevent packages being switched to different repositories.

Good info - I only use the standard installed repos on this test system, so I should be fine. Thanks again, marking the thread as solved :wink: