Software updater not updating automatically


In LEAP 42.1 the software updater would download and install updates automatically, yet on my new install of 42.2 (Using KDE, by the way) it doesn’t seem to be happening. It will tell me there are updates available, but I have to manually click on the icon and update it that way.

Any way to change this? By right clicking on the icon and going to “software updates settings” there only appears to be a way to change the check interval, or to check whether it’s on a mobile connection or when on battery power.

Many thanks.

Here’s a question of curiosity. Why in the world would you want to have software installing all by itself without your knowing? That could have disastrous consequenses.

My assumption: it can be done, thus it should be done >:)

You make a very valid point. But…when most people update (eg even by konsole using zypper) don’t they just do a general “update”…or does everyone really check every single piece that’s going to be installed?

The way I do it (and everybody his/her own arguments to do it different):

  • I did not install Packagemanager, nor the update applet (so the GUI users can not be tempted even to click on it).
  • Once a week (at maintenance time), I do YaST > Software > Online update. That willl show the security updates and recommended ones. There are often not more then 5 - 10 of them, thus a quick visual check is possible. I normally let them then go. (this is the equivalent of zypper patch). I may do this more often when the security threads in The News & Announcements section of these forums give me the shivers lol!
  • Then I use YaST > Software > Software Management and the Repository View. I choose Packman and from there (right click in the packages list) All in this list Update if a newer version is available. I consider Packman as having software that is executed by end users only, thus less chance to brake the system with those and I generally accept those updates without further examination. (this is equivalent to zypper up --repo <Packman-repo-id>).
  • I have very few other repos and they are normally disabled. Sometimes I will enable and refresh them to see if the packages I have from there are updated.

I do.

Because the forum does not let me post such a short answer, I will repeat it:

I do.

Very similar to the way I do things.

I do the same thing.

maybe a package needs confirmation (like flash from adobe) or a unsatisfied dependency issue
try running

zypper up

and see what’s happening behind the curtains
afaik the plasma 5 update widget works the same as apper did under kde4 (for me anyways)
it tells me there are updates and I have to click for them to be downloaded and installed
I don’t know if there’s a way for them to be updated without any user interaction (the way microsoft does things) as apper also wanted me to click a button when updates wore available :dont-know: