yesterday, the online update (more than 2000 files) failed (zypper was not able to finish the update, also not after some attempts, and finally I rebooted the computer and I was not able to get to the desktop or konsole anymore).
Therefore, I made a fresh installation of Tumbleweed which worked fine (interestingly, I had to increase my efi boot partition which worked fine in the past with 156MB).
Now, I’m confronted with some problems when installing additional software:
- software.opensuse.org is reacting very slow or not at all
- I can’t find the needed additional software which was not problem in the past (UGENE, Zotero). spotify-easyrpm was only found after finding a direct link using google to the software package in software.opensuse.org (but not when using the search function on software.opensuse.org). Only standard software (firefox, libreoffice) will be shown in a search (and it’s a long search before something will be shown).
- the settings button (for changing distributions…) is only working once
- in Firefox the most menus were in korean (?). When using Chrome the menus are shown in English or German as it should be.
What’s going wrong with software.opensuse.org???