This has been happening whenever I try to update the system, install new packages from or from Software Management. I installed openSUSE to test while I repaired another system, I’m more familiar with Debian. I’ve been checking any offered additional repositories when I install software, this is probably my problem.
How do I remove the “Death_Knight” profile from my repros and do I need to install another in it’s place?
Note it is not good to have too many repositories installed and active. It is far too easy to get conflicting packages. So you should at the least disable any but the base repos unless you have a true need.
FiftyOneFifty wrote:
> How do I remove the “Death_Knight” profile from my repros and do I need
> to install another in it’s place?
oh…ok, don’t get over eager enabling a bunch of repos…it is sure
to download and introduce conflicting packages…your path to
happiness is multi stepped…do you wanna do it in a GUI use YaST >
Software Repositories and DISable or delete and mark to not refresh
ALL repos except these four:
and click ‘Accept’ (or whatever the button is)…
THEN try your installs/updates again…and, for now since you are
just here a short while from Debian i highly encourage you to stick to
those four repos and using YaST…or Zypper which is (apt-like) CLI
magic that the YaST GUI fronts for…if you wish a CLI way to do the
above, just start with
zypper lr -d
to get your ugly list of too many repos, and
man zypper
will tell the magic on how to manage which repos are active, etc (i
don’t use zypper so i can’t give you the incantation directly)…or
for a scratch the surface view of zypper…
-=welcome=- over for the trial…caution: there are LOTS of little
differences between Debian and openSUSE…all over the place…