Soad Linux refinement or alternative possible?


I am not sure where to post this, Soap box seemed to best suite since it is simply soap from a newbie Linux user.

I like OpenSuse and I like E17 environment. I found Soad Linux which is great remaster of OpenSuse except: file manager. So could the developer of Soad Linux take a look at the Pinguy OS E17 remix and produce something similar out of the box? Or anyone suggest alternative? I like Soad Linux and OpenSuse in general. yet the file manager in soad linux is a tragedy. I have learned how to isntall E17 my self, however I am no good at scripting and doing terminal operations and it looks like the the useful help in the forums how to install E17 on OpenSuse is made by the Soad Linux developer (I might be wrong here) and I simply hit the same issues and can;t find a way to somehow change the default file manager to something like dolphin or any other better file manager. What is more, it seems only OpenSuse E17 has issues with Google Chrome browser.

Are there any chances that there are some more OpenSuse based distros using E17 as a windows manager and would equal to the quality of Pinguy OS E17 Remix?
(If you wonder why I don;t use Pinguy OS is that it is based on Ubuntu and Ubuntu has this abnormal issue to try to fry my hardware. But this happens only on that only PC I want to install linux. Other Linux like OpenSuse or Pure debian doens;t act that brutal. )

I like KDE 4. Unfortunately it looks like windows 7 (just more advanced) and E17 is a bit faster and still manages to make the desktop look appealing to the eyes. Is ther any wya to make a mix between E17 and KDE4 or any other desktop? Well getting rid of the terrible E17 default manager and replacing it with something more user oriented would do.

Thank you for your time and help.
I hope my post is understandable ( I am a bit nervous after my failures to change the file manager in the E17 so it might reflect by incorrect grammar, or cut sentences)

Best regards,

You might find putting this on the Build Service forum gets a better response. In theory with openSUSE Studio combined with the Build Service, you might be able to develop what you want or find like-minded users.

Thank you very much for your answer!
I will check it out :slight_smile: