snd_usb_audio module not loaded

I’m trying to install a Sennheiser USB headset. It’s correctly identified by Yast>software>sound but when I select “edit” to config, I get an error message “snd_USB_audio could not be loaded”. How do I find this module? Or do I just need to enter it as a module_loaded_on_boot in sysconfig editor?

I am assuming you are using a reasonably recent version of openSUSE. I re-read your post a few times, and I can not tell if you are using openSUSE-10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 nor 11.4 milestone-5. Nor can I tell what desktop you are using (and hence what mixer you may need to deal with). I know this is intuitively obvious to you, but it is not to me … and sometimes the desktop and openSUSE version are relevant to such problems.

I can not tell if you booted with the USB mic already plugged in, or if you plugged it in AFTER you booted. That also ‘may’ (and may not) make a difference. Try each approch. Does it make a difference?

Your post here initially confused me, … but in the end I think I figured out you meant YaST > Hardware > sound … so I edited my post quickly.

Yes sorry about the lack of info. I’m running 11.3/KDE 4.4.4 and you are right about Yast>hardware >sound. Mea culpa.

The headset is only detected if I boot with it in place, and I was trying to use the USB generic option at first before I realised that. But the result is the same - no module.

I also have a Creative x-fi sound card and I believe the headset will have to be set as the default once it’s set up in order to work.

There is an old article here written for KDE3 (that needs updating for KDE4 and for the new wiki format) : USB headphones - openSUSE

… still, see if you can follow the advice there to get this to work.

If you can, then maybe you can help update that article.

Ok Thanks - I’ll have another go at it and report back in due course.

The presence of the X-Fi sound card seems to be blocking the installation of the snd_usb_audio module. If I delete the sound card, the headset installs without a problem and I can then re-install the sound card. All systems now working.

Congratulations. Glad to read its working.