Snaps not working

Can’t get snapd working in slowroll.
I can install stuff fine but then when I run it, I get this error:

2024/08/28 00:17:35.844195 system_key.go:149: cannot determine seccomp compiler version in generateSystemKey: fork/exec /usr/lib/snapd/snap-seccomp: no such file or directory
internal error, please report: running "joplin-desktop" failed: missing snap-confine: try updating your core/snapd package

I’ve tried:

  • other applications than “joplin-desktop”
  • reinstalling snapd and restarting snapd and snapd.apparmor services
  • testing on Tumbleweed proper in a VM → that worked fine

Any help would be appreciated.

Of course that you are free to use whatever you want, but any other reason for not installing Joplin as Flatpak?

Not a strong reason really. Snaps seem to cover a few apps that I use often than aren’t available on flatpak (e.g. Zerotier). Joplin is just an example but I’ve the same issue with all snaps. I like to run things from the command line often and that’s much better with snap. I’d kinda prefer to run all snap or all flatpak. It’s a bit easier to debug, if something goes wrong.

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