smb stopped accepting connections

Today I had a kernel update (5.3.18-lp152.50-default #1 SMP) and after a reboot, smb no longer accepts connections from my Mac, even if the firewall is off. “Systemctl status smb” says all is well.
Any ideas?

A general diagnostic approach…

Set the log level as explained here (eg ‘log level = 5’)
After that restart the smb.service…

sudo systemctl restart smb

In a terminal do

tail -f /var/log/samba/log.smbd

then attempt to navigate to a samba share. Note what is reported via errors from the Mac and the log. Report back here with the details.

Also, from the Mac you can try viewing the shares (from a terminal) using something like the following…

smbutil view //user@hostname

Report back with the output.

Rebooting my Mac (after todays OS update) seemed to fix it.

Always good to try the simple things first. Thanks for the update.