SMB mount - unable to retrieve file attributes - 11.2 RC2

I’m trying to mount SMB share but when I mount it I’m not able to read or write anything from/to it…even ls can’t retrieve file attributes…
I’m doing this:

mount.cifs //server/shr /mnt -o user=mydomain/myuser,uid=1000,gid=100,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0755

the mount operation is successful but when I do:

ls -l /mnt

I get something like that:

ls: cannot access /mnt/d: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/綍ﲨ: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/I~1: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/䖋讘ࡀ䖉诀౅䖉vcred: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/ࡽ琀譋ࡅ碃Č䉾: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/A~1: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/-~1.MSISetup-Subversion-1.: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/聅: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/S~1.MSISlik-Subversion-1.6.5-wi: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /mnt/뗿ク���䖋(⁰䖋: No such file or directory
total 0
d????????? ? ? ? ?                ? 뗿ク?䖋(⁰䖋
-????????? ? ? ? ?                ? -~1.MSISetup-Subversion-1.
d????????? ? ? ? ?                ? A~1
d????????? ? ? ? ?                ? d
d????????? ? ? ? ?                ? I~1
-????????? ? ? ? ?                ? S~1.MSISlik-Subversion-1.6.5-wi
d????????? ? ? ? ?                ? ?琀譋?碃Č䉾
d????????? ? ? ? ?                ? ?綍ﲨ
d????????? ??:

it’s the same with and without the uid, gid, file_mode… options
but if I use smbclient to access this share it’s all fine, no problem
unfortunately I need this mounted, smbclient doesn’t fit for me
do you have any idea what could be wrong ?
btw this share is mounted under solaris and it works fine

also for some reason I don’t have the smbmount, smbumount and smbmnt tools…
according to samba(7) they are part of the package…

myuser@vmOpenSuSE:~> which smbmount
which: no smbmount in (/home/bgmpa/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin)
myuser@vmOpenSuSE:~> cnf smbmount
smbmount: command not found

On Fri November 6 2009 02:56 am, slstlr wrote:

> hi,
> I’m trying to mount SMB share but when I mount it I’m not able to read
> or write anything from/to it…even ls can’t retrieve file
> attributes…
> I’m doing this:
> Code:
> --------------------
> mount.cifs //server/shr /mnt -o
> --------------------
> the mount operation is successful but when I do:
> Code:
> --------------------
> ls -l /mnt
> --------------------
> I get something like that:
> it’s the same with and without the uid, gid, file_mode… options
> but if I use smbclient to access this share it’s all fine, no problem
> unfortunately I need this mounted, smbclient doesn’t fit for me
> do you have any idea what could be wrong ?
> btw this share is mounted under solaris and it works fine
> thanks

Have you read this HowTo?

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

well, what I do is basically the same…
only I use mount.cifs tool instead of mount -t cifs

this is becoming a problem for me…
is it possible that the default kernel is somehow misconfigured ?

monut.cifs obsoleted smbmount. Make no effort to look for the latter.

Obviously CIFS is somewhat incompatible in certain cases…what am I supposed to do now? I don’t want to switch the distribution…

On Mon November 9 2009 12:16 am, slstlr wrote:

> Obviously CIFS is somewhat incompatible in certain cases…what am I
> supposed to do now? I don’t want to switch the distribution…
AFAIK there is no maintainer of smbmount or smbfs. The Samba Team has dropped
smbmount from the current versions. It looks to me like your problem may be
the character set. You might want to investigate the option: “iocharset” in
man mount.cifs.
As an example:


Sorry I can not be of more help.

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

thanks for your answer PV
it seemed very logical when I read it but unfortunately it didn’t work…
I tried with iocharset=utf8 and iocharset=iso8859-1 but it was the same only the strange characters were just different…

maybe I have to switch to the old SMBFS stuff, what would be the easiest way to do that ?


On Fri November 13 2009 09:46 am, slstlr wrote:

> thanks for your answer PV
> it seemed very logical when I read it but unfortunately it didn’t
> work…
> I tried with iocharset=utf8 and iocharset=iso8859-1 but it was the same
> only the strange characters were just different…
> maybe I have to switch to the old SMBFS stuff, what would be the
> easiest way to do that ?
> thanks

One of the Samba Team posted the following on the Samba list today. I’m not
sure it applies to your problem but you might want to at least try the
direcio option.

BTW, on another front I’ve got reports that you can get data
corruption with cifsfs/Samba without using the directio
mount option. I am investigating this with very high
priority right now, but mounting with directio might be
something you want to try.

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

thanks again for your answer PV…unfortunately it didn’t work, it’s the same with and without directio