How can a brand new HDD fresh out of the box give ‘early indications of problems’. With it noted that a failure is not eminent, but da,da,da,da?
I ran SMART in windows 10. No indication of a problem starting.
How can a brand new HDD fresh out of the box give ‘early indications of problems’. With it noted that a failure is not eminent, but da,da,da,da?
I ran SMART in windows 10. No indication of a problem starting.
Exactly what “early indications of problems” da,da,da,da?
New products can be defective. It happens.
If the drive is a very new model which is not part of an existing “family” of drives then it’s possible it’s not listed in the smartctl database, in which case smartctl data will be wrong/missing/unreliable.
Query the database for your drive:
smartctl -P show /dev/sdX
to see if it’s supported.
If not, then try updating the database to the latest version:
and retry.
If the drive is supported the the full output of smartctl:
smartctl -a /dev/sdX
may give usefull information if you indeed do have a faulty on arrival drive.