Down by the application launcher, there are the 2 icons Dolphin and Firefox. Is there any way to add one or two more icons to that left side of the task bar.
Yes as I’ve just tried and succeeded! Open Application launcher (like start menu in windows) and drag the relevant program to that part of the task bar. Simple as that!! May I add that I use the classical kde app launcher and not slab so if it doesn’t work try changing to classic just for this (right click over suse button and select classic). Also it can be a bit fiddly getting the thing to recognise what you want to do. I had to drag mine over to the right and once a white oblong appeared I dragged it back over to the left and the oblong again appeared meaning you can now let go and it will add. Phew bit wordy that, but I hope it makes sense
Thankyou Thankyou
That works for me.
To add to these instructions you will need to have your Widgets unlocked for this to work. When you are done I always lock my widgets in place. Several ways you can lock/unlock your widgets. Rightclick on your desktop and select Lock Widgets/Unlock Widgets. Another way is to click on the small box at the top right of your screen which shows your activity name (Default is Desktop I think) and click Lock Widgets/Unlock Widgets. When your widgets are unlocked you can add, change, resize, configure any widget on your desktop and taskbar. When you are done, just lock the widgets so they don’t move.
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