Slowroll unable to install latest DVD image

EFI is required for EFI booting. /boot/efi/ has apparently become something of a standard any more across the variety of distributions. It is the normally designated mount point for an ESP filesystem, on which an /EFI/ is expected to be found on first use to set up booting using EFI Grub. Secure boot is orthogonal to EFI.

What I don’t get is that I can create a gpt/mbr partition table within windows and exfat/ntfs partitions within windows, yet if I try to install open suse, Linux mint, reborn os etc the installer is unable to create a partition table or any partitions and the installation has to be aborted at that point.

Once a partition table exists, you don’t create one again unless you have wiped the disk first.

I don’t know either, but perhaps it has to do with trying to create a table on a disk that already has one. I can’t recall ever before seeing messages like those in comment #2 here. Perhaps because when creating partitions in Windows you’ve created them with a Windows type. I don’t know whether Windows’ partitioner permits choosing any type other than NTFS or FAT. I doubt I’ve ever used it.

Perhaps you would have better luck booting some live linux media to run Gparted or another standalone partitioner to create the entire partition structure you wish to employ in openSUSE. Only when that has been accomplished, start the openSUSE installer.

All my partitioning is done using one tool, whether in or for MacOS, DOS, OS/2, Linux or Windows, and all my systems but one pre-configured laptop are multi- multiboot. Normally I format in advance too. openSUSE’s partitioner is used here only for selecting what to mount where.

Gparted was unable to create gpt table or partition, anyway think it was just a faulty drive as I got it replaced and new drive I was able to install opensuse on it with no issues

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