Slowroll/KDE stability issues

Ok, for third time now in just a few weeks upon resumption from sleep the monitor wouldn’t come on and no way to get to a terminal because system wouldn’t respond to any buttons pressed ie control plus alt plus F1. I’ve therefore been forced to press the reset button on my PC.

Now, upon resumption when I go to open Dolphin and try to drag and drop a file anywhere dolphin becomes unresponsive and I have to terminate it.

Any suggestions??

/ is btrfs
/home is ext4
Running kde 6.14, kernel 6.10.5-1.
Opensuse Slowroll

Maybe formulate a good question and start a topic in one of the technical help forums?

As this is Open Chat, many of those that are willing to give technical help may never read this.

Sorry which forum because it’s not really a installation/boot issue so was unsure which forum to post in?

You could either choose Install/Boot/Login (after all Sleep is related to shutdown and boot but in a different way), or Applications (because you start it from the Desktop).

But this here is a sort of pub and many topics are not to be taken to serious :wink: