Slowroll btrfs zstd:3 and snapper

Hi everyone,
I would like to get your opinion. I have installed openSUSE Slowroll XFCE with Btrfs and zstd:3 compression. Could I encounter any issues with Snapper when using compression?


My current install is running on Btrfs with compression since January now and no problems so far. Snapshots are created, I can undo changes after a failed update; didn’t have to rollback yet though. But I can boot into old snapshots. So, seems fine to me.

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Hi @mendres82
Thanks for sharing your experience.

No issues using the default compression level here for 6 months:

# fstab entry
/dev/suse/system                           /                       btrfs  defaults,noatime,compress=zstd                      0  0

Hi @pavinjoseph
Thanks for your input. During the installation, in the opensuse partitioner, I inserted the following values ​​in / noatime,compress=zstd:3
Unfortunately my system only lasted 24 hours. Then came the errors during the update. A ton of etc and usr errors that are beyond my knowledge. The snapshots did not work. And so I had an ISO and gave up and reinstalled a clean OS. You used some better formula evidently. If you want to share your method, I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance. Bye

Ah, my first time lasted only a week or two IIRC due to this bug.

My steps to a reliable system are quite simple:

  1. Disable btrfs quota/qgroups, stick to the happy path with btrfs.
  2. Use atomic-update for safe non-interactive updates.

Hi @pavinjoseph
Thanks. I’ll try it soon too.
Thanks again for the happy path

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