Slow Repo

I’m running openSUSE on three different systems and they’re all getting stuck at “Retrieving repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise” when I try to update. I’m updating my laptop right now and it’s been stuck for over 30-minutes. I don’t believe it’s a problem on my end because I’m having the same issue on three different systems. I’ve tried cleaning up the repos using zypper clean -a and it didn’t do anything. Any suggestions or fixes?
Thanks, wwwdave

Same noted here, it’s not just you.

Same here~

It might be the upstream problem.

Just checked. Same here. It wasn’t the case yesterday.

It finally updated the repos after 45-minutes. Now it’s downloading the updates and the download speed is really show, 16KiB/s to 32KiB/s.
Slow speed seems to be the problem.

I had already the experience that refreshing from this repro took clearly more time then that of other repos. But this is much worse now.

Same problem here. Has been on/off with latency/slow dl for a week what I have seen.


I just tried again, because I wanted to report higher up.

But it now completes within a few seconds (still more then the others that just flash by).

Please, can other try if they now have a reasonable response?

I just tried, and it seems to be fine right now.

It is working here as well.

On Leap 15.3 (work) and the SUSE Repository is timing out when attempting any zypper command.

Would it be safe to disable this repo temporarily? Is there an upstream discussion about this?

From UTC 15:11, 2022.03.30

Repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' is invalid. 
[repo-sle-update|] Valid metadata not found at specified URL                 
 - File './repodata/7ff52b872cd8d1d399c36236c2d8f03a4de86fcd291feaf2c96ab8a10a9fa2de-primary.xml.gz' not found on medium 'http
 - Can't provide ./repodata/7ff52b872cd8d1d399c36236c2d8f03a4de86fcd291feaf2c96ab8a10a9fa2de-primary.xml.gz  

That is the repo we are talking about here. Apparently there was a problem, but as you can see, people report it is working now.

When did you try?

And about disabling it, that depends on what you are going to do. E.g. a proper update will not be a good idea with it disabled. But when you just want install packages from a non-standard repo it might work.

BTW, your output is NOT complete. Please always copy/paste with the prompt/command line, the complete output and the next prompt line. Now we do not know what you did, and have only part of the output. Not a very good base to give advise.

Sorry about the incomplete, it was a simple ‘zypper ref’

Ran just now, at 1641 UTC, I still receive a timeout:

sudo zypper ref 
[sudo] password for root:  
Repository 'nVidia Graphics Drivers' is up to date.                                                                            
Repository 'Packman Repository' is up to date.                                                                                 
Repository 'google-chrome' is up to date.                                                                                      
Repository 'Mozilla' is up to date.                                                                                            
Repository 'Update repository of openSUSE Backports' is up to date.                                                            
Repository 'Non-OSS Repository' is up to date.                                                                                 
Repository 'Main Repository' is up to date.                                                                                    
Retrieving repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' metadata .........................[error] 
Repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' is invalid. 
[repo-sle-update|] Valid metadata not found at specified URL                 
 - Timeout exceeded when accessing '
 - Can't provide ./repodata/0e4ed8ffa89f3dc0c7b3e730b93a5578383ce8a0f9eb53bbcb029d310c92d7ce-primary.xml.gz                    
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository. 
Skipping repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' because of the above error.


boven:~ # zypper ref
Retrieving repository 'Updates from openSUSE Backports' metadata .........................................[done]
Building repository 'Updates from openSUSE Backports' cache ..............................................[done]
Repository 'Main (OSS)' is up to date.                                                                          
Retrieving repository 'Update (OSS)' metadata ............................................................[done]
Building repository 'Update (OSS)' cache .................................................................[done]
Repository 'Main (Non-OSS)' is up to date.                                                                      
Repository 'Update (Non-OSS)' is up to date.                                                                    
Retrieving repository 'Packman' metadata .................................................................[done]
Building repository 'Packman' cache ......................................................................[done]
Retrieving repository 'Updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15' metadata --------------------------------------/]

It is now hanging already for several minutes.

I am having the same URL as you:

boven:/etc/zypp/repos.d # grep base sle-update.repo 
boven:/etc/zypp/repos.d # 

I will try to alert the admins.

I’m still having a problem. Updating the repo has been running for over 15-minutes.

I now succeeded. It seems to go on and off.

I reported upstream, but for some reason they do not understand me >:)

Mine hangs at ref “Retrieving repository 'Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise”. Hangs in both software manager and zypper.

Has been not ref for last 8 hours when tried intermittently

No refresh from 0700 to 1500 here in us central (gmt-6).

tom kosvic

Zypper dup… From CEST 21.34 to 21.38.


15 packages to upgrade, 6 new. 
Overall download size: 238.8 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 336.5 MiB will be used.

The upgrade took from 21.39 to to 21.53 CEST. Soon it will be compered with MS(Microsoft) levels.

Regards from Sweden.

I just tried again and it is fixed. Thanks everyone.

7 hours ago SLE was slower than normal refreshing, but it didn’t seem to affect zypper up. several hours later on a different PC SLE seemed to be back to its normal sloth, not unduly slow, just annoying that it’s last and seems to take longer than all others combined.