Slow packman repo

Is anyone else experiencing a really slow packman repo refresh these days?

It seemed to start with 11.2.

Everything else goes like lightning, but packman takes a rather long time.

Hello growbag,

Is anyone else experiencing a really slow packman repo refresh these days?
Yes, I’m having the same experience.
I start up Software Management.
Refreshing the packman repository takes about 2.5 seconds.
And the others go so fast you can’t even read them.

Running it a second time I takes ~1.5 seconds.

2½ seconds? Lucky you, mine takes about 15 secs, plus sometimes gives me an error and times out :frowning:

  • growbag,

try a different mirror.


I had very slow for packman. I just redirected to a mirror closer to me.

lol, I never knew there were mirrors for packman!

I’m using the default - which I added by clicking on the “add community repo” button in yast!

I redid it using this command -

zypper addrepo --repo

…found here -

Repositories/Packman - openSUSE-Community

…and it still takes ages to refresh.

Very strange.

Where are you? I’m in the US and using the unixhead mirror vastly improved my speed.

It was the same for me. In addittion skynet were slow to sync with packman, hence, updates were not available as early as e.g. here:


I’m in Germany.

I changed it to your suggestion F_Sauce and it flies now, thanks :).

More Packman-mirrors can be found →here.