Slow packagekit in Gnome Software store - how to solve

I’m annoyed by the slowness of the packagekit plugin of the Gnome software store:

  1. If I open the store it takes ages to download. Clearing the cache and repeat the process does not help.
  2. With Gnome store not opened, the packagekit daemon still runs in the background. So it locks and you can’t use Yast or zypper in the meantime.

I get a better piece of mind by disabling/masking the packagekit daemon.

However I am not sure if other software updates are still coming thru e.g. flatpak.
I can’t find with zypper gnome-software-plugin-flatpak. Is it included in the store?

i also disabled [better masked] packagekit in Leap.

And the result is the same as in TW Slowroll.
I can still update flatpak/firmware packages, and in parallel I can zypper refresh/update, without getting locks

So this is for me an acceptable workaround!

idk, be careful with this, someone experienced told me that partial package updates (or excluding packages from updates) can lead to problems. To me personally that seemed like a bigger problem, so I kind of accepted the time packagekit takes to close… usually happens within a few minutes after startup or using gnome software

perhaps someone else knows a better workaround though. I’m not knowledgeable on this…

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