I’ve experiencing very slow File Save and File Open dialogues times. When trying to save (or open) a file from within an application, and selecting “save as” option for example, the outline of the file selector dialogue appears almost immediately, but it takes well over a minute for folder and file list and shortcuts sidebar to appear. It affects all (as far as I can tell) KDE applications. After waiting for that minute or so and saving the file, the dialogue opens and populates with files and folders instantly for the subsequent saves, but after some time in regresses back to the “slow mode”.
When I noticed this behaviour, I had some OpenSuse 13.2 repos on my OpenSuse 13.1 installation. Once I’ve replaced 13.2 repos with 13.1 and downgraded to the correct version, the issue was not present for couple of days.
I’ve never had this issue on my other machine when it ran 13.1.
Can I tweak some settings or can I clear some cache or something to fix this?
I do have some network folder in the “Places”. Isn’t save dialogue checking for free space every time it is called? If so, why does it take so long the first time, but is quick after that?
For the sake of the experiment, I will remove network shares.