Something gets clogged up, and cause the system to slow down after watching a series of Facebook videos regardless of which browser I use.
I thought it was the browser(s), but the system remains slow after closing them out.
I have added browser cleaner extensions to each of the browsers. No help,
I have tried everything I know to ‘free up’ whatever it is, but so far nothing I have tried helps.
Any ideas? Suggestions? I hate rebooting after each browser session to get things back top normal speeds.
Depends on the machine, desktop 1 4GB, desktop 2 8GB Laptop 4GB All of them exhibit this 'slowness/clogginess after doing those FB watch things. If I go to youtube, and watch for any length of time, it doesn’t seem to me to have that problem.
30 minutes to an hour, depend on how much time I want to spend on them.
**Very fast, in Leap 15 usually checks at 60 to 90 Mbps
NO, IMO a waste of effort, especially with FB (I don’t use Firefox except if I absolutely have to).
Not that I am aware of, I set the chrome(ium) browsers to not allow running apps to continue after browers shutdown
Don’t know, will have to try it!
Something else I will have to try.
Not that I AM aware of, but you know I am relatively still a new user, and wouldn’t know it if it bit me on the nose.