8 or 9 months ago I found for “Winxp>:)” over 300 different slide show+music for background it took me 2hrs to find it.:
Im looking the same it could have 200 side show + music is there one? One thing is Im using suse11.1 64-bit KDE4.2.1
Please could few of you help me out.
Im talking about when you got 2+ pictures put it together and make a slide show same you can do it with video. I think I confuse all of you a little Im sorry;)
I made a slide-show last week for my parents’ 50ht anniversary using digikam. I put all 700 photo’s in one folder, picked Advanced Slideshow from Slideshow dropdown. It already selected the right folder, so I checked OpenGL transisitions, selected the Ken Burns effect, picked hours of FLACs to play in the background. At their party I just connected to a beamer, ran digikam, ran slide-show looped, closed it after about 6 hours of running. During these hours lots of people asked me if they could have a copy of the DVD that was playing…
There are other packages, such as stills2dv stills2dv home page (which I really like, but it requires custom compilation, and its command line, and not gui based, and hence likely not for new users ).