I am really a newbie in Suse but being the SLES 9 completely supporting the Dell PE1950 hardware with RAID drivers, I continued with the OS installation and RAID5. (x86_64)
This system needs to be installed with ruby -rubygems -rubyrails, git , scite…
after searching on forums and trying for long time I think there is not much support available for SLES 9.
Ubuntu/gentoo/redhat/fedora I know how to use them but do not have any idea if they have the ALL hardware support forPE1950 with raid.
Looking at SLES 9 and available packages for programming I really felt if I should install Opensolaris 10 or 11 but assuming they too have the required drivers and support for these programming softwares.
I wonder if my current SLES 9 could be easily upgraded to opensolaris 11 and I could install the ruby and gems stuff on it.
why I want to upgrade is because I have already setup the hard disk partitions, IPMI and dell softwares on the current OS.
Can anyone please guide me with this issue?
Thank you