Skype not working

openSUSE 13.1 64bit KDE

As of yesterday my Skype 4.2 stopped working with the error message “Skype can’t connect”. The same with a 32bit machine, same distribution. Is anyone experiencing a similar problem? Any solutions? I am unable to download version 4.3 as it doesn’t offer a download button.

Thanks in advance.

Version 4.3 for Linux Dynamic download link:

If that doesn’t work, direct download link:

Download-Link for the rpm (only 32 bit):


Sorry for my poor english, I’m French. :slight_smile:

I installed openSuse 13.1 on an “old” machine 32 bits “only”.

I tried to run Skype.

  1. 4.3 rpm -> abandon
  2. 4.2 rpm -> Skype can’t connect
  3. 4.3 dynamic -> abandon
  4. 4.2 dynamic -> Skype can’t connect

No suse Firewall
This machine has the same IP than a previous with openSuse 12.2 where Skype worked fine. (NAT on router has the same configuration)

After 2 days and 1 nigth of try, anybody can he answer these questions?

  • Is it really possible to understand what happens ?

  • Must I go back to Suse 12.x to use Skype ?

  • Can we trust Window$ to maintain Linux programs ?

Thank you.

Well to answer last question first

No you can not trust Microsoft

I run 64 bit OS and Skype works fine here you just have to be sure that you have the proper 32 bit libs. For you that should not be an issue.

So please say excatly what it is doing? ie does it start at all? Did you try running it from a command line to see an errors that it might throw? We can’t look over your shoulder so you have to tell us the details of what you experience. So far you have said it does not work so how does it not work?


Thank you for fast answer. :slight_smile:

I tried ALL : from menu and from console, with pre load v4l lib and not pre load,…

4.2 show the connexion panel, I enter my pseudo and passwd (verified on the skype site, that’s work) and ask connexion. After a little time new line on the panel : Skype can’t connect.

4.3 : not start at all. Just write “abandon” on the console.

As there is no “verbose” mode I don’t know what happens and where is the error.

I saw, on web, same problems for 4.2 on ubuntu and/or other linux and they were solved by adding some 32 bits libraries.
But, as you wrote, it can’t be the solution for me, I’m already 32 bits.

Thank you

PS: I never post a message on forum before doing all what I can, and I was unix administrator and, of course, hot liner unix during more than 20 years. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: But you could not know that. :slight_smile:

On 2014-08-02 13:16, ionmich wrote:
> openSUSE 13.1 64bit KDE
> As of yesterday my Skype 4.2 stopped working with the error message

MS is intentionally forcing users to update to 4.3 by making their
servers refuse to work with clients that have 4.2. So you need to switch
to 4.3 want it or not.

If 4.2 still works for you, it is because you get a server at MS that
has not yet been updated and allows you. It is just a matter of time…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

On 2014-08-07 20:06, Zoltic wrote:

> 4.2 show the connexion panel,

Forget 4.2, it will never work. Microsoft is blocking that version. You
absolutely have to use 4.3, so concentrate on it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

Here is how a friend helped me get this new version of Skype installed while also removing all pieces of the previous version. Follow these steps:

  1. First, download the rpm from the Skype site to your ~/Downloads directory. Use the SuSE 12.1 version that Skype offers. It works.

  2. Open a konsole, type ‘su -’ (without the ’ marks) and then your root password.

  3. cd /home/<your user name>/Downloads [This changes you to the directory where the rpm file is]

  4. zypper rm skype [wait until removal of the old skype is done]

  5. zypper in skype- [The new version you just downloaded from Skype will be installed]

The new Skype should now be installed and the launcher should be in the same place as before (under ‘Applications’)

  1. Test by making a test call to Skype. It should now work with the new version and you should not get error messages.

Doing it this way ensures that any obsoleted or missing dependencies will be updated or installed by Zypper at the same time.

Hope this helps.


Note that if you run 64 bit OS you may need to add a couple of 32 bit lib.

Self with 13.1 (Gnome) 64-bit installed libpulse0-32bit during which zypper added other parts automatically.

Restarted before Skype did the test call, since then my users happy and busy using it most days.

linux-wt4x:~ # zypper in  libpulse0-32bit
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 9 NEW packages are going to be installed:
  libFLAC8-32bit libjson0-32bit libogg0-32bit libpulse0-32bit libsndfile1-32bit libspeex1-32bit libvorbis0-32bit libvorbisenc2-32bit libwrap0-32bit 

linux-wt4x:~ #


On 2014-08-09 22:26, bosdad wrote:

> Here is how a friend helped me get this new version of Skype installed
> while also removing all pieces of the previous version. Follow these
> steps:
> 1) First, download the rpm from the Skype site to your ~/Downloads
> directory. Use the SuSE 12.1 version that Skype offers. It works.
> 2) Open a konsole, type ‘su -’ (without the ’ marks) and then your root
> password.
> 3) cd /home/<your user name>/Downloads [This changes you to the
> directory where the rpm file is]


Create a directory somewhere, and move the rpm there. Move there other
rpm packages you obtain externally: acrobat, jre, whatever.

Start YaST, Software repository module. Click on “add” repo. Tick “Local
directory”, then next. Add a name, select the directory you created
above. Tick “Plain rpm directory”, then next.

Now you can use yast, apper, or zypper to install any of those packages.

If you download a new version and put it in the same directory, you can
update it in the standard way.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Doing my installations of Skype using the first provided option “Install/Remove” software (detail shows: “/sbin/yast2 --install” )

(BTW admit this puzzles me as expect to see this done with “Software Update” Install package.)

Thank you guys.

I just got skype working again.

I need that piece of ****.

:mad: Only a 32bit version for openSUSE 12.1

It works fine on 13.1, the skype folks just haven’t updated the webpage.

I am on 13.1 too, I am just annoyed they have only 12.1 listed.

13.1 was released some time ago.

On 2014-08-31 15:46, Gps2010 wrote:
> I am on 13.1 too, I am just annoyed they have only 12.1 listed.
> 13.1 was released some time ago.

Just forget that.

They will not provide different rpms for different releases, it is one
for all. Just be thankful that they provide one for *suse and you do not
need to use a package for *ubuntu instead.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)