Size different between LVM and windows guest

I am try to use LVM and virtualisation ou open LEAP 15
Great ! it was a little be hard but it is running !!
on one guest (W7) i have increased the size of the KVM … but on windows when i see the size i still see the old size and the disk is pretty full ??
could you help me ?


Did you mean “KVM” when you said “LVM”?

You did not provide much detail.

Filling in the gaps with guessing, I think you grew the size of the virtual disk assigned to Windows. But the file system also needs to be adjusted to use that extra space.

You might be able to boot your virtual machine using a live openSUSE iso. And then check with Yast partitioner. You might be able to use it to grow that partition to fill the virtual disk. Or maybe there’s a windows way of adjusting, but I don’t use Windows enough to know how to do that.

yes i mean KVM

I have try to increase 10more Go with the Yast partitioner and the size of the DD in windows still got the old size
in the windows of virt-manager the size is the DD is right …


I am not sure that you understood what nrickert is trying to explain to you. You can increase the size of the container, but that does not mean that what is in there (the file system) will automatically be increased. From what you say I understand that it is a non-Linux file system, thus I doubt that you will find a tool on openSUSE that can do that for you. You must use a MS Windows system to manage (increase, decrease) a MS Windows file system.

I understand now , it is a W7 partition i will check that

I see you understand it, what is fine. But please show that also by using the correct terms. It is NOT a W7 partition (a partition is either a classic MS-DOS/MBR partition or a GPT partition), but a W7 file system. Try to see the difference between the container (partition, LV, RAID device, whole disk) and what is inside it (file system of any type, swap space, LVM Physical Volume, just raw data from an application that does it’s own thing, etc.).

i check with gparted and ther is 2 partitions one of 20 Go and one with 30 Go unused
