After update OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, hence KDE, only loudspeakers did work, headphones ou devices via P2 doesn’t was able to be managed.
The solution that I found:
Make sure that ALSA drivers are installed, following this article: Audio Troubleshooting.
Do not installl pavucontrol or try to install pipewire-pulse to replace pulse-audio, because for me wasn’t nothing about Pulse Audio, and try to install or substitute it just remove the package that generates the issue: plasma5-pa. If you doesn’t have this package, install, via terminal or Yast; the last version works fine for me. If you have, make sure your KDE version is the for 5.21.4.
The plasma5-pa enables to manage volume and devices from System Tray widget (volume icon), tha update of last Saturday broken and the new brings the solution, apparently.
If I cannot manage my devices again, this package, plasma5-pa, and its last version that worked fine will be the primary thing that I will check, if my audio drives is the properly state.
I hope that is can be of some utility.