Silence Zypper Notifications/Messages

Is there a way to silence zypper ‘notifications’ or messages that are shown when you have the Packman repo enabled and/or locked packages? The ones that display things like, ‘Package a, b, c will not be upgraded’, ‘Packages x, y, z are locked, and will never be installed’.

I don’t know of a way to silence them.

But then I don’t know why you would want to silence them. They seem reasonably informative to me.

I agree they’re reasonable to display, but not every time I perform an operation with Zypper. For instance, with my locked packages I would rather just list the locked packages through the Zypper command, rather than have it display them every time I install or update. Same with all the Packman packages that won’t be upgraded.

Although you may not be able to suppress the output, you might be more interested in just not having to read the output and make decisions.

The following is the “quiet” flag although I don’t think that’s what you want. It only suppresses messages but not selections

zypper -q *operation *

The following is the non-interactive flag which automatically selects the default option which I’m pretty sure is what you want

zypper -n *operation *

Note that in the above syntax, these are flags which are placed immediately after the zypper command but before whatever else you are doing.

Note that these flags only work on the zypper command itself which is <before> the actual work. After the work (eg install) there can be messages like “do you want to view the notifications?” and those are not currently suppressed.