I have been trying to install leap in my xps13 (2016) laptop.
I’ve put the installer on a usb (tried multiple ones), on my mac with dd. The usb stick is recognised and boots.
The first time it actually started the install. But I did not check the installation media so it aborted mid-way. So I created a new stick with a newly downloaded 42.2 (same version as before). Now when I boot from the stick, choose either installation or check media and it goes to start udev… then the progress bar comes, before it finished the light at the shift starts blinking (like kernel panic) and it says signal 11. No other information.
I’m sure that you’ve already done this, but it’s worth asking: did you verify the hash of the ISO? I’ve had corrupt ISOs give me a lot of trouble in the past.
You’re welcome, but keep in mind MD5 and SHA256 are different algorithms. So they’ll output different hashes when run against the same file. I think SHA256 hashes are much longer than the string you pasted to your reply. That seems like a proper length for an MD5 hash, as you said it was.
That’s a mistake. The md5 sum should be different from the sha256 sum.
Checking the iso that I download, I get an md5sum of: “470bf7670ec6c39882fcbf85cdba0d1d”
I think that’s the same as your, though I didn’t check every digit (I checked the first few and the last few).
I think you already have a good download.
The media check does not work for a USB, so skip that.
I’m not sure why you are getting an error. It could be a graphics issue. You can try adding “nomodeset” to the boot command line, and see if that helps.
If this is a UEFI install, then you would have to hit ‘e’ on the grub menu, and scroll down to the line beginning “linuxefi”. Then hit the END key to get to the end of the line, and add the “nomodeset”. Hit F10 to boot.
If this is legacy booting, there should actually be a function key for setting the graphic mode during boot.
You want to check the SHA256 sum. Download that SHA256 File, put it in the same directory as your downloaded ISO, and – while in that same directory in the terminal – run:
Ok, so I redownloaded the DVD. Checked the checksum (It’s shasum -a 256 openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64.iso on a mac)
The installation starts. But then after a while it says it can’t access something on the usb stick due to an NULL string.
Now I’m thinking the usb is faulty. I should try the other usb again (but I like keeping the installation media on there and this is a new 3.1 64G stick, I tried multiple partities earlier this week, but that was pushing it apparently, no luck (even after setting the bootable flag)).
So I am guessing the first step now is, given that I verified the usb stick: how can I verify that the dd command on mac worked well? Or what is the best way to copy the iso on the usb otherwise…