Shuttle Hardware...

I m thinking about to buy a shuttle X500V with pre-installed openSUSE on it…
here the link: Shuttle Europe: Complete Systems
Has someone experience with Shuttle Hardware…and whats about the touchsreen? How does it work with openSUSE, does it work out of the box or with a special configuration?

I’ve built a bit over 300 Shuttle boxes by hand (yes, manual labour ftw :p) as I recall most of them were SG31 series and apart from the card reader at the same, everything worked “right off the bat”.

I still have a picture of turning on 300 boxes at the same time and the transformer in the building failing, causing the entire building to lose power. tsk Shouldn’t have done that.

I have an old Shuttle running as a server :smiley:

And whats about the touch-screen? How works openSUSE with it? Do i need a extern keyboard for new installation, or works it out of the box?

If it comes from Shuttle, preloaded, it should just work.:slight_smile:

Thats not my question…

If i need sometime a new installation and if the touchscreen isnt supported by the basic drivers…how should i make the selection of the installation…this computer has ony a touchsreen and no buttons. And my last keyboard i kicked out before 5-6 Jears…when i gave up using desktops at home… :wink:

Im 100% sure the touchsreen is not supported by the basic drivers and by the installation this kind od problelem will happen:
OpenSUSE 11.1 and Touchscreen - openSUSE Forums

The only solution i see at the moment is a usb keyboard…and after the full installation and yast autoconfiguration it should work…

I would think that you could just plug in a USB keyboard and mouse. You could always email Shuttle and ask them. I am sure they would respond to you.