What is with the Shut Down windows ? They have a strange button looking icon covering the text .
Can window size be changed to larger ?
We can’t see what you mean. How about a screen shot.
What DE are you using can you please elaborate?
Hey caf, your figers are faster in typing than me by a click, see the time.
Well was going to post How do you take a screen shot of a power down window , when I bring up KSnapshot it will not allow me to capture a screen shot at power down , when I try and take snapshot it closes the window I want to take the snapshot of (power down window)?up some pictures but Photobucket can not see the pictures in the files on SuSE any more at least those pictures created by a flash drive , from a cdrom can see , what I mean there is I created folders and put pictures in them the ones that the pictures were transfered form a cdrom Photobucket can see but those transfered from a ScanDisc can not be seen .
Another issue there .
You could fudge it with a digital camera - might be enough for people to know what you mean.
See second problem of above post .
If I take a picture of the desktop with a camera and put on the computer in a folder Potobucket cant see it to up load it , but if I put picture on CDrom then put it in a folder Photobucket will see it .
So I may have to burn to CDrom and then transfer to folder , what a hassle .
Well scratch the picture theory , just burned to a CD and then transfered to a folder , still can’t see them with Photobucket to upload to PB site .
Seems picture in current KDE 4.2.1 are the problem , older ones can be seen .
Ok , used PB old uploader style and was able to see photos , here they are ;http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i138/My-fotos/DSC_0060.jpg
Hope pictures are good enough that you can see the problem .
is that a Camero?
And also, to take a screen shot of the Shut Down just set Ksnapshot to delay.
For Example, this is a delay of 5 seconds so it gives me time to get the screen up. Ksnapshot will still take the desktop picture.
No 69 SS Super Sport .
A Good Guys car show .
Kind of a car guy , do GM automotive computer tuning .
Ok the KSnapshot timer did work , saw that and did not dawn on me to use it .
SO how do you upload to site from your computer ?
Another thing related to pictures , when Photobucket opens a window to grab a picture the windows is off the screen on either end because of some many file extension names , how do I reduce the number of file extensions related to this .
Another thing related to pictures , when Photobucket opens a window to grab a picture the windows is off the screen on either end because of some many file extension names , how do I reduce the number of file extensions related to this http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i138/My-fotos/snapshot4.png