What do you mean by “hangs”? What do you see? Is the screen black? Does the monitor switch off? Does it flash? Is there any text output visible on screen?
Have you tried Ctrl+Alt+F7? Maybe the VT switch just did not happen and it waits for pw entry on another screen.
I tried that just for the fun of it and it indeed produces a black screen with a blinking cursor. Boot stalls completly, there is no HD activity, not even the one generated by running from initramfs up to lvm pw entry.
As it works in rescue mode and then reaches graphical desktop with nvidia enabled, I guess it has to do with plymouth or graphical boot in general. But I have no use for nvidia, so I did not test further.
I recommend in Tumbleweed to use the File from the Nvidia Homepage, here on Leap 42.2 with Kernel 4.12 it works.
uname -a &&nvidia-settings -v
Linux linux64 4.12.5-2.g4d38c27-default #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 9 07:50:45 UTC 2017 (4d38c27) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
nvidia-settings: version 384.59 (buildmeister@swio-display-x64-rhel04-01) Thu Jul 20 01:02:19 PDT
The NVIDIA X Server Settings tool.
This program is used to configure the NVIDIA Linux graphics driver.
For more detail, please see the nvidia-settings(1) man page.
I just installed tumbelweed and the nvidia driver from the repo and ran into the same issue: after rebooting the boot stuck at the beginning.
The last thing which was prompted is: “starting show pylmouth boot screen …”
Booting into the fail safe mode was fine, so I uninstalled everything related to plymouth and now it’s booting.
I am going to try reporting it tomorrow … never did that, probably on bugzilla since the mailing list stuff looks like using a fax