Hi there,
I am currently in the process of setting up a openSUSE 11 as a server for a small SOHO network with clients all being MS Windows machines. Initialy it was targeted to be just file server and also where they could authenticate themselves to access the network and its services. Just before we about to begin, one of the partners asked if it was possible to set up a mail server so as to receive his mail on any machine he logged on to but to have it stored on the server.The problem, which i cant seem to get my head around, :X is that he has a different domain email address from the other partner in the firm (e.g 1 might be toby@master.com and the other cruise@fresh.de)and i am not quite sure what to do here if both are to check their emails on any PC but have it stored centrally on the server.One of them did mention something about an IMAP mail server that could do the trick but i have no idea how to go about it.I am so totally lost here.HELP ANY1…!!
What you are asking for are virtual mail domains. Certainly it is possible, but you may find the going hard if you have not set up a mail server before. Try this tutorial for openSUSE:
The Perfect Server - OpenSUSE 11.1 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
For a good explanation of what is happening under the hood my standard reference is this tutorial for Debian:
Howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian-Etch and Postfix 2.3
The principles are the same no matter what distro because the software are common.
Thanks but the second link kinda had everything in German.It loooked promising though.any idea how i can get it in English??..
Thanks heaps
It is in English for me. Maybe the web server was too smart and thought you were coming from a German speaking country and gave you the German version.
Anyway since the English version has a link entitled German version below the title, I would expect there to be a link leading to the English version from the German page.
OH NO…i AM in Germany…hahha…give me a second while i try and sort it out…Thanks…
Thanks Ken…finally got in ENGLISH…wheeew…am just going to read through it and see what i come up with
Thankss heaps again