./_setup: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such

hi all :slight_smile:

When running setup “softimage”

Watch :sarcastic:

max@maxray:~/سطح المكتب/Autodesk_Softimage_2014_SP1_English_Linux_64bit> bash setup

./_setup: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any idea http://forum.cgpersia.com/images/smilies/wacko.png

Are you using openSUSE? When yes, at least tell us which version.

I can not find something named “softimage” when searching with YaST > Software > Software Management, but not knowing which version of openSUSE you use, that test is not to trustworthy.

In any case, when it is not a standard openSUSE product, then please explain at least where you got it from and how you installed it. We are not clairvoyant.

On 2014-07-12 19:56, maxray wrote:

> Code:
> --------------------
> max@maxray:~/سطح المكتب/Autodesk_Softimage_2014_SP1_English_Linux_64bit> bash setup
> ./_setup: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> --------------------

Well, 13.1 has libXm.so.4, package libXm4. Your program is probably

Henk: I think he is trying to install this:


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

I haven’t ran into Softimage in a while but I recall that in a directory in the Softimage install they actually shipped a static motif library - libXm.so.2, I think the directory was SetupFiles or something like that.

He could maybe add that to LD path and then try to run the installer?

thanks all :slight_smile:
im reinstall opensuse & install software before update :wink:

I think this is appropriate :slight_smile:

This is something completely different.

Well, openSUSE 13.1 comes only with libXm4 (i.e. libXm.so.4), and the lowest version I can find on OBS is libXm.so.3.

You could try to install the package libXm4, and then create a symlink:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libXm.so.4 /usr/lib64/libXm.so.2

Sometimes things like this work, but there’s no guarantee.

Or Miuku’s response might be the way to go.

But apparently you succeeded in installing it already? (http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/499713-Softimage-usr-Softimage-Softimage_2014_SP2-Application-bin-XSI-bin-symbol-lookup-error-usr-lib/page2)
What exactly did you do to make the installation work?
Maybe that would give a clue to why you get that other error now…

The Packages are excellent :slight_smile:

Before" update" I find these packages


After the “update”, delete these packages

+Installing a new package (I do not remember)

Now I can not update

Internet speed slow in My Account:X

Sorry, I did not really understand your last post at all.
You installed libXm4 and then uninstalled it again and installed some other package?
And you still didn’t answer whether you succeeded in installing Softimage in the meantime or not.
As I wrote, you other thread would imply that you were being able to run the installer successfully.

Anyway, I downloaded Softimage, and it installed fine here without doing anything special (I did not even have libXm4 installed).
No problem in finding libXm.so.2.

And to confirm: yes, the installer comes with its own copy of libXm.so.2. But that should be used automatically.

How I installed it:

  • unpack the downloaded archive
  • run the following: (the second line will of course differ, depending on where you extracted it to)
su -
cd /home/wolfi/Desktop/Autodesk_Softimage_2014_SP2_English_Linux_64bit

The program itself doesn’t work though. I have the same problem as you describe in your other thread.

oh :open_mouth:

im reinstall opensuse 13.1

“setup” fine rotfl!

I do not know why :dont-know: