When I 1st did this I bought a crossover cable and wireless adapter for use to network my laptop to the desktop.
laptop runs win7 and desktop runs opensuse 12.1
crossover cable is connected from laptop to desktop
and wireless adapter is also on desktop.
Currently I get internet through the wireless on laptop.
I originally just turned on ICS (internet connection sharing) in win7 and it seemed to work fine to get internet on both machines when crossover cable was connected.
I recently at work changed a setting on my laptop wireless and when I brought the system home and connected it and the desktop when opening firefox or opera just hangs
I tried setting up static IP’s and I get nothing
I tried bridging connections and that didn’t work
I tried setting wireless on adapter on desktop to connect wireless and that doesn’t work.
So I guess my question is what can I do to get internet back on the desktop?
the only other things I can think of is.
Wipe both systems in about may/june because of planned backup
wipe the desktop and upgrade to 12.2 but I have never been able to get 12.2 to work off of USB and my desktop does not have a DVDrom
this question is more about how to configure ICS on windows 7. openSUSE desktop should remain with net. interface set as DHCP client and then all depends on Windows ability to share the internet and physical connection.
I didn’t try to configure ICS on Windows 7 but there is an article: Using ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)
and first thing check if you get an IP address on openSUSE desktop - ifconfig command, if not check again ICS configuration and cable connection.
yes I think ICS certainly will not assign the ip to ethernet interface so do it manually (just set the ip for ethernet interface to after step 3