Hello All
I use OpenSuse for my home theater. I also use wireless keyboards to control the desktop along with x11vnc from my laptop. I was using a small touch pad keyboard from Riitek. It is a little bit too small and I don’t like touch pads much. So I bought an Iogear wireless keyboard. Both of these keyboards have their place and I would like to use both of them. But that’s the problem. The speed of the pointer of the Riitek is fine but the Iogear is WAY to fast. The desktop doesn’t understand having two input devices for the mouse pointer But X does. And now comes my problem. I have found little that shows how to change the mouse speeds in X when one has two input devices.
I checked out lsusb and I can see the devices that relate to the different keyboard/mouse devices. I then checked out /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d and found a file 11-mouse.conf. There was no entry for either of my wireless devices but on a coupe of the entries there is, what looked like, usb ID numbers but they were commented out. So I made an entry that matched the usb numbers for one of my devices. But no joy X would not load. Now there does seem to be something called xinput that might be useful but I can’t find information on how to use it.
So now I am stuck. Does anybody know how to independently set mouse pointer speeds with twp wireless keyboards?
I did a little more digging and found some devices in /dev/input that might be a help. There is mice, mouse0, mouse1, mouse2 that looked promising.
I then did a cat on each one of these. Only mouse0 and mouse2 showed any input. Mouse0 had chars come on the screen when I moved the mouse on the iogear board and mouse2 had chars come on the scree when I moved the Riitek mouse. So that’s something that might be able to make an entry in xorg.conf for the pointers.