I have this pen tablet since some time ago and I have been using it with one monitor.
Recently I added a second monitor so I can work with one document in one monitor and other document in the other one. But The pen tablet was automatically set to span over both monitors, loosing resolution (indeed I was using only one half of the tablet), so I have been searching for configuration and I have made a script to set the tablet to span over both monitors, or just one of them. I post it here just in case it is useful for someone.
#settings for HUION pen tablet
#Default properties
#xinput list-props "HUION PenTablet Pen stylus"
#Device 'HUION PenTablet Pen stylus':
# Device Enabled (143): 1
# Coordinate Transformation Matrix (145): 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
# Device Accel Profile (275): 0
# Device Accel Constant Deceleration (276): 1.000000
# Device Accel Adaptive Deceleration (277): 1.000000
# Device Accel Velocity Scaling (278): 10.000000
# Device Node (267): "/dev/input/event19"
# Wacom Tablet Area (785): 0, 0, 40000, 25000
# Wacom Rotation (786): 0
# Wacom Pressurecurve (787): 0, 0, 100, 100
# Wacom Serial IDs (495): 110, 1, 2, 0, 0
# Wacom Serial ID binding (788): 0
# Wacom Pressure Threshold (789): 27
# Wacom Sample and Suppress (790): 2, 4
# Wacom Enable Touch (791): 0
# Wacom Hover Click (792): 1
# Wacom Enable Touch Gesture (793): 0
# Wacom Touch Gesture Parameters (794): 0, 0, 250
# Wacom Tool Type (795): "STYLUS" (405)
# Wacom Button Actions (796): "Wacom button action 0" (797), "Wacom button action 1" (798), "Wacom button action 2" (799)
# Wacom button action 0 (797): 1572865
# Wacom button action 1 (798): 1572866
# Wacom button action 2 (799): 1572867
# Wacom Pressure Recalibration (800): 1
# Device Product ID (268): 9580, 110
# Wacom Log Mask (801): 0
# Wacom Debug Levels (802): 0, 0
#settings for two screens
case $1 in
#using both screens, full screen
xinput set-prop "HUION PenTablet Pen stylus" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ;;
#right screen only, using full screen
xinput set-prop "HUION PenTablet Pen stylus" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0.5 0 0.5 0 1 0 0 0 1 ;;
#left screen only, using full screen
xinput set-prop "HUION PenTablet Pen stylus" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0.5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ;;
*) echo "Format: tablet-props.sh full|left|right" ;;
For now it is working fine for me although there are a lot more options I could include.
best regards