Set up users with daily time limits


I am having two kids, that should not be able to use our computer more than one hour daily each.
Is there an elegant way to automatically force a log-off after a certain time has passed?


Hello marcelhell and welcome to the forums

I know of no application doing what you want, but I think that a simple shell script triggered by cron could do this.

However, I have no intention to write this script code. My advice is to explain to the kids why you want to limit their online time and motivate them to respect some limits. They will break the limits many times, but the overall effect of educating responsible young citizens will be much better. I’ve been through this.

On 08/09/2011 11:56 PM, vodoo wrote:
> My advice is to explain to the kids why you want to limit their online
> time and motivate them to respect some limits.

i agree with vodoo in that it is better to instill self control than to
look to mechanical/electrical substitutes for the same…anyway, my
experience with kids is that they will find a way around the
mechanical/electrical/software enforced limits you seek to set…

[when the time comes, even if you also put a speed governor on every
vehicle you let them drive, they WILL find a way to drive too fast for
the conditions…]

but, since you asked for how to: has many paths to follow for a generic Linux
parental control solutions (only some control time) and …

and, all of the following are (some of) the previous threads in these
openSUSE fora:

by the way, -=WELCOME=- new poster…

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