I am using a 10-year laptop with openSUSE 13.1 (32-bit) with KDE as the desktop environment.
When I launch Firefox or Konqueror I am presented with a window stating that the server is not found.The WLAN Interface icon shows that I am connected to the Wi-Fi router. I know that my Wi-Fi works because I have another laptop that has no problems connecting to the Internet.
Maybe there is some problem with the firewall? I’m not really an expert with Linux.
Rather not.
But maybe a problem with DNS?
Can you reach a server when entering the IP address?
F.e. try (if it says “503 Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently down for maintenance.” that’s ok, we know at least that you can reach it).
Ok, then internet access is actually working, just name resolution not. I.e. your system cannot translate names like “opensuse.org” into the IP-Adddress.
I suppose you use KDE’s network management applet to connect?
Try to run “sudo /sbin/netconfig update -f”, does that help?
If not, try to add an additional DNS-Server in KDE’s network settings. (edit your WLAN connection and switch to the “IPv4-Adress” tab, the “Method” there should say “Automatic (DHCP)” btw., does it?)
Google’s should be a good choice.