server & new monitor

hi all,

I have this realy daft issue…
We received new Acer screens and I want to hook one
up to a server.
But, not completely unlogical, the screen does not display much unless I connect it to a machine and then power on the machine…but I do want to reboot the server just for a new screen.
Anybody know of a trick?

we run opensuse 11.1 on a supermacro server ( realy old ) and the screen is Acer B193.

greetings, Johan

I don’t understand. I just unscrew the cable from one screen, screw the other one in and that’s it. For the X-server, if you run one, run sax2, get the monitor info from the disc that came with it, done. No reboot needed for X. If you want to set the appropriate “vga=” line in /boot/grub/menu.lst, please google for your monitor’s value.

In short: simply connecting the screen to the videocard should give some image.

linuxjohan wrote:
> Anybody know of a trick?

yes, the trick is: patience…

wait until you have to boot the server, then change the screen…
how about that?

i’ve always heard to never plug in, or unplug, a monitor (and also all
non-USB keyboards, mice, serial modems, printers, etc etc etc) while
the machine is powered up…

has that changed? (if so, no one told me)


thanks guys,
either the "vga="line or patience will do it !!

greetings, Johan

If you’re not sure, enter “vga=normal”

@palladium: I too was taught to never disconnect things from a running machine, but AFAIK these days monitors can be switched on the fly.