I have this realy daft issue…
We received new Acer screens and I want to hook one
up to a server.
But, not completely unlogical, the screen does not display much unless I connect it to a machine and then power on the machine…but I do want to reboot the server just for a new screen.
Anybody know of a trick?
we run opensuse 11.1 on a supermacro server ( realy old ) and the screen is Acer B193.
I don’t understand. I just unscrew the cable from one screen, screw the other one in and that’s it. For the X-server, if you run one, run sax2, get the monitor info from the disc that came with it, done. No reboot needed for X. If you want to set the appropriate “vga=” line in /boot/grub/menu.lst, please google for your monitor’s value.
In short: simply connecting the screen to the videocard should give some image.
wait until you have to boot the server, then change the screen…
how about that?
i’ve always heard to never plug in, or unplug, a monitor (and also all
non-USB keyboards, mice, serial modems, printers, etc etc etc) while
the machine is powered up…